Automatic Premium Loans are not permitted while the policies are assigned to Inclined Technologies.
When a policy is assigned to Inclined Technologies, outstanding policy and premium loans are required to stay at a $0.00 balance at the carrier. Inclined has taken into account the entire policy's value and have provided as high of a credit limit as possible by taking this into account. By signing the Line of Credit Agreement, it is agreed that all policies listed on your Inclined Line of Credit (iLOC) must remain in good standing without any additional loans applied to the policies.
If you have additional availability on the line of credit, you may request a draw from your iLOC to pay the premium due. Learn more about how to request a draw from your iLOC.
When a policy shows that an APL has taken place on the policy at the carrier, it is considered an act of default to your line of credit. We will work with you on ways to resolve the outstanding amount, but it will require your immediate attention.
For additional information, please feel free to reach out to our Support Team at